Friday, October 26, 2007

October Goodness

It's already the end of October, and I sat here trying to figure out what to write about. Not that there was a lack of fun and exciting things going on here in our little corner of Colorado...just not much has changed.

Riley is still content being the little 5 year old princess that she is. I have had to sit back and look at her and wonder when the heck did she grow up? Wasn't it like, 2 days ago that I was up in the wee hours of the night feeding a screeming infant, or changing the disgusting diaper of a difiant 2 year old that didn't want to be potty trained. ( I swear, if I would have let her, she would have pooped her pants for the rest of her life.) She's no longer a baby, but an actual little girl...and that baffles me!

Other than getting too big, Riley spends her day twirling and spinning in her own LaLa land. She has grown to love Kindergarten--probably because they go to places like the pumpkin patch, have cowboy dress up days (only in Durango right?), and makes things with fingerpaints and tissue paper--Who wouldnt love Kindergarten?! It's completly surreal for me, again, cause I didn't think it had actually been that long ago that I was going to Riffenburgh in Fort needs to slow down!

Berns is still busy with all of his shenannigans. He has started the gradual decent into the last 2 months of school. Which, again, makes him excited. I think he is more excited about that fact that currently he can find a football game, a soccer game, a baseball game, and/or a basketball game on the TV at any given moment. He is quite thrilled they all have
seemed to overlap each other....I on the other hand have seen so many sporting games that they all just seem to blur together....Needless to say, when we are at home together, he makes it a point to yoink the remote control first...darn. I can't complain too much considering there isn't anything to really watch on TV.

On another note BERNS IS DONE WITH SOCCER!!! WHOOOOO!! His JV team did well this year, but didn't get to go to the state playoffs. However, the Varsity team has been able to advance, so Berns is helping with them as assistant coach.---but I see him more! He's not leaving every weekend anymore. This weekend the Durango High School treked it up to Fort Collins to play against Poudre High School. This baffled me for a minute that they were in the same division. It also baffled me cause it always baffles me when my two little worlds (Durango and Fort Collins)'s really not all that wierd, for some reason it gets me thinking!

I have been doing dandy. I must say, with all the complaining I do about how cold it's getting, I must say fall in Colorado is gorgeous. The colors of the trees are fantastic, and we have gotten a nice cold weather break. It has been sunny and breezy this last week. If only it would stay like that! Riley has reminded me the joy of jumping in piles of leaves once again!

I am currently counting down the days til I'm done with my job!!! December 21st is my official last day, and I am soooooo excited. I must say that the past two years at the hospital haven't been AWFUL, but my wittle tired body will be forever greatful to me when I'm not waking it up at 3 in the morning! WHOOOOOO!

I also had the grand chance of organizing (with the help of mom of course) a benefit concert for the cancer kids in our county. We were able to make a big chunk of change for them and were SOLD OUT (well, a little more than sold out cause Berns got a little confused with ticket sales--thank goodness the fire department didn't show up!)

Other than that I'm very content. As I said before, watching Riley grow this month has made me reflect on my past years. It is probably because she is a little replica of me (sorry!!). It makes me think of those lovely elementary years spent with Lissa and Chesley. Or goes back to good old Lesher Junior High (I swear I'm one of the only people that enjoyed Jr. High) with first boyfriends, good friends, and finding teachers to hate just for the sake of hating them. Brings me to high school and ditching class for the first...second...and third time, finding first loves, moving across the state thinking it was the end of the world--loosing first loves, finding new loves, meeting a best friend not realizing that 6 years later I'd be marrying him.

Life moves too fast I've decided. I've pulled out pictures from the past and have just smiled. I've tried to reconnect with friends I have neglected. Life is just grand. It's nice to have a wonderful husband (though, sometimes he's a bit odd...haha), a creative little inspiring girl, and good family and friends. Thank goodness for good pasts that make the future a brighter place!

Love you all!

Shea, Berns, and Ri