I'm not even sure where to begin...I have been quite the slacker at bearing our good news in all shapes and forms. We are in the process of so many new and different things I tend to get lost in the mix up of life.
So I'll start with Berns' new job! As most of you know by now Berns got a job
with a company called RemedyMD. I dont know for sure what he will be doing, but I do know that its a good job! He recieved his offer letter and it was full of pleasant surprises! We feel very blessed. The company makes software for doctors offices and hospitals...it basically helps them go paperless, but there is a ton of other stuff it does that Im sure Berns is willing to tell you about. All I know is it also helps doctors give a more accurate diagnosis! Nonetheless, Berns is very excited to start life into the "adult" world. Coincidently his office is literally across the street from the new soccer stadium for the Salt Lake Real...I know...what a coincidence huh? I guess if I can't find him in his office I can find him at the game.

With Berns' new job coming we are packing our lives away this week preparing to move to Utah. His office is in Sandy and we will be living in Lehi...coincidently 2 blocks from my sister (he gets the soccer stadium, I get my sister...fair enough). Berns makes the trek to Utah with a HUGE Uhaul on the 15th with me following close behind on the 21st. I have decided that we are crazy to move right before Christmas...this has definetly been the most expensive Christmas ever!!! Little Riley is pretty much oblivious to the whole moving process. She plays with empty boxes that havent been used to pack all our junk. She talks about how great it will be when her and I have to live at grandma Niseys house for a week when Berns leaves, and how excited she is to live next to her cousins. She is pretty sweet and innocent and has most of her thoughts on Christmas.
Riley is a little scared at the thought of starting a new school and meeting new friends. She says she is shy so she wont be able to say hi for a while. I just laugh at her. We had to place her in a private school in Utah for the remainder of the year because of dumb Utah laws, but we are hoping it all turns out good.

I am just stoked that my last day of work at the hospital is less than 2 weeks away!!!! I shake with excitment when I think about it! I found another job working for an ai
rline company from home...It sounds like the perfect job...I work part time from the comfort of my own home and PJ's, and also fly for free or cheap! Berns is just excited for me cause Im finally able to calm down my crazy busy work life that I have led these last few years.
I also spend most of my time getting fatter. As most of you already know, Berns and I are expecting again. I'm almost 18 weeks along and filling out my clothes to the extremes. I agree that you show alot faster with the 2nd child...that is the only way I make myself feel better about getting so fat. I had some complications beginning of November that caused me to be put on bedrest for a week. I no longer have to lie in bed and do nothing....but I'm not aloud to do anything but walk. I had to stop all exercising and lifing things and so on and so forth....Its quite annoying, but it looks like the baby is doing ok.

Much love, come visit us in our new house...its cute