Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A load o' stuff

Somehow I lost track of life and ignored the request of everyone wanting to know what was going on in our life. So I'm finally buckling down and writing something.

I'm not even sure where to begin...I have been quite the slacker at bearing our good news in all shapes and forms. We are in the process of so many new and different things I tend to get lost in the mix up of life.

So I'll start with Berns' new job! As most of you know by now Berns got a job with a company called RemedyMD. I dont know for sure what he will be doing, but I do know that its a good job! He recieved his offer letter and it was full of pleasant surprises! We feel very blessed. The company makes software for doctors offices and hospitals...it basically helps them go paperless, but there is a ton of other stuff it does that Im sure Berns is willing to tell you about. All I know is it also helps doctors give a more accurate diagnosis! Nonetheless, Berns is very excited to start life into the "adult" world. Coincidently his office is literally across the street from the new soccer stadium for the Salt Lake Real...I know...what a coincidence huh? I guess if I can't find him in his office I can find him at the game.

With Berns' new job coming we are packing our lives away this week preparing to move to Utah. His office is in Sandy and we will be living in Lehi...coincidently 2 blocks from my sister (he gets the soccer stadium, I get my sister...fair enough). Berns makes the trek to Utah with a HUGE Uhaul on the 15th with me following close behind on the 21st. I have decided that we are crazy to move right before Christmas...this has definetly been the most expensive Christmas ever!!! Little Riley is pretty much oblivious to the whole moving process. She plays with empty boxes that havent been used to pack all our junk. She talks about how great it will be when her and I have to live at grandma Niseys house for a week when Berns leaves, and how excited she is to live next to her cousins. She is pretty sweet and innocent and has most of her thoughts on Christmas. Riley is a little scared at the thought of starting a new school and meeting new friends. She says she is shy so she wont be able to say hi for a while. I just laugh at her. We had to place her in a private school in Utah for the remainder of the year because of dumb Utah laws, but we are hoping it all turns out good.

I am just stoked that my last day of work at the hospital is less than 2 weeks away!!!! I shake with excitment when I think about it! I found another job working for an airline company from home...It sounds like the perfect job...I work part time from the comfort of my own home and PJ's, and also fly for free or cheap! Berns is just excited for me cause Im finally able to calm down my crazy busy work life that I have led these last few years.

I also spend most of my time getting fatter. As most of you already know, Berns and I are expecting again. I'm almost 18 weeks along and filling out my clothes to the extremes. I agree that you show alot faster with the 2nd child...that is the only way I make myself feel better about getting so fat. I had some complications beginning of November that caused me to be put on bedrest for a week. I no longer have to lie in bed and do nothing....but I'm not aloud to do anything but walk. I had to stop all exercising and lifing things and so on and so forth....Its quite annoying, but it looks like the baby is doing ok.

The saddest news of all is that my camera broke right before Thanksgiving so I have no pictures. SO SAD. The ones that are on here are from the pumpkin patch at Halloween time. I am trying to convince Berns that I really need a new camera for christmas, but I think that I am loosing that fight...maybe you should all convince him too.

I guess I have rambled on enough. Until...well...maybe next month, or maybe not.

Much love, come visit us in our new house...its cute

Friday, October 26, 2007

October Goodness

It's already the end of October, and I sat here trying to figure out what to write about. Not that there was a lack of fun and exciting things going on here in our little corner of Colorado...just not much has changed.

Riley is still content being the little 5 year old princess that she is. I have had to sit back and look at her and wonder when the heck did she grow up? Wasn't it like, 2 days ago that I was up in the wee hours of the night feeding a screeming infant, or changing the disgusting diaper of a difiant 2 year old that didn't want to be potty trained. ( I swear, if I would have let her, she would have pooped her pants for the rest of her life.) She's no longer a baby, but an actual little girl...and that baffles me!

Other than getting too big, Riley spends her day twirling and spinning in her own LaLa land. She has grown to love Kindergarten--probably because they go to places like the pumpkin patch, have cowboy dress up days (only in Durango right?), and makes things with fingerpaints and tissue paper--Who wouldnt love Kindergarten?! It's completly surreal for me, again, cause I didn't think it had actually been that long ago that I was going to Riffenburgh in Fort Collins...life needs to slow down!

Berns is still busy with all of his shenannigans. He has started the gradual decent into the last 2 months of school. Which, again, makes him excited. I think he is more excited about that fact that currently he can find a football game, a soccer game, a baseball game, and/or a basketball game on the TV at any given moment. He is quite thrilled they all have
seemed to overlap each other....I on the other hand have seen so many sporting games that they all just seem to blur together....Needless to say, when we are at home together, he makes it a point to yoink the remote control first...darn. I can't complain too much considering there isn't anything to really watch on TV.

On another note BERNS IS DONE WITH SOCCER!!! WHOOOOO!! His JV team did well this year, but didn't get to go to the state playoffs. However, the Varsity team has been able to advance, so Berns is helping with them as assistant coach.---but I see him more! He's not leaving every weekend anymore. This weekend the Durango High School treked it up to Fort Collins to play against Poudre High School. This baffled me for a minute that they were in the same division. It also baffled me cause it always baffles me when my two little worlds (Durango and Fort Collins) collide...it's really not all that wierd, for some reason it gets me thinking!

I have been doing dandy. I must say, with all the complaining I do about how cold it's getting, I must say fall in Colorado is gorgeous. The colors of the trees are fantastic, and we have gotten a nice cold weather break. It has been sunny and breezy this last week. If only it would stay like that! Riley has reminded me the joy of jumping in piles of leaves once again!

I am currently counting down the days til I'm done with my job!!! December 21st is my official last day, and I am soooooo excited. I must say that the past two years at the hospital haven't been AWFUL, but my wittle tired body will be forever greatful to me when I'm not waking it up at 3 in the morning! WHOOOOOO!

I also had the grand chance of organizing (with the help of mom of course) a benefit concert for the cancer kids in our county. We were able to make a big chunk of change for them and were SOLD OUT (well, a little more than sold out cause Berns got a little confused with ticket sales--thank goodness the fire department didn't show up!)

Other than that I'm very content. As I said before, watching Riley grow this month has made me reflect on my past years. It is probably because she is a little replica of me (sorry!!). It makes me think of those lovely elementary years spent with Lissa and Chesley. Or goes back to good old Lesher Junior High (I swear I'm one of the only people that enjoyed Jr. High) with first boyfriends, good friends, and finding teachers to hate just for the sake of hating them. Brings me to high school and ditching class for the first...second...and third time, finding first loves, moving across the state thinking it was the end of the world--loosing first loves, finding new loves, meeting a best friend not realizing that 6 years later I'd be marrying him.

Life moves too fast I've decided. I've pulled out pictures from the past and have just smiled. I've tried to reconnect with friends I have neglected. Life is just grand. It's nice to have a wonderful husband (though, sometimes he's a bit odd...haha), a creative little inspiring girl, and good family and friends. Thank goodness for good pasts that make the future a brighter place!

Love you all!

Shea, Berns, and Ri

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September Sun?

Time flies when your having fun...isn't that how the saying goes? Cause I think it's right. This last month has FLOWN by...on a large jet...with caviar served in coach...who would imagine that! But really, I was quite surprised when I realized it was already September 20. Where did Summer go. I didn't get to break out that itsy bitsy teeny weiny bikini that I bought on the beaches of Rio (you all can stop laughing now at the thought of me in a bikini.)

Durango is cooling off, I actually have to wear a sweatshirt when I leave for work in the morning and turn on my heater. There was a dust layer of snow in the high mountains and I decided I'm not ready for cold weather. I hate cold weather. Cold weather and I have an extreme dislike for each other.

Now that I've ranted and raved about my extreme dislike for the cold weather....other news. Riley started Kindergarten this year! She was WAAAAY excited; so was Berns and I. She is loving the fact that she gets to learn how to read, and has already decided that having cold lunch is the better way to go (smart kid.) Although, Ive seen the menu for hot lunch, they serve things like chicken sour cream enchiladas and schrimp...what happened to the nasty cardboard pizza I got when I was in elementary school?

Riley also just turned 5. She got to have her first big birthday party complete with eleventy billion friends and presents...this girl is so spoiled. I used my wannabe crafty skills to try and invent a "Little Miney Pony" cake (My little Pony). It tasted scrumptious, but started to melt...not sure what it is I did to make it so cake could melt. Riley told everyone how huge she had grown since she was now 5. She is already in the makings for planning her 6th birthday party...

We also have been keeping her busy with every afterschool activity we can possibly find. Her time is consumed with soccer, dance, swim lessons, and gymnastics. It makes for lots of driving and running around after school--but in the evening when we get home all she wants to do is eat, cuddle a bit (which is the BEST!) and go to bed!!! Before she wasn't ready to sleep until close to 9. Come 7pm she is begging and pleading for us to read her a story and put her to bed...well, ok, not begging, but she definetly does it willingly. She has been quite the little character. I have decided that this is my favorite age...but then again, I say that with every age. I told her she needs to stop growing, she got very serious and told me "Mommy, sometimes people can't stop growing and you need to let them grow, cause it they can't grow they can't reach the shelf that all of the treats are on." Ahh, what a truthful child...little does she know I still can't reach the shelf the treats are on...

Berns is still Mr. Happy Brazilian Man. He's happy, but that doesnt mean he likes his school classes, which he seems to get more and more irritated with each week. Today he gets the joy of camping for 3 days with his fellow classmates in his "Water in the West" class. As much fun as camping is, he is definetly not thrilled. His thought on his last three classes is that the college took subjects that you could discuss over dinner and made them into semester long tedious classes...then made every major take them. Did I mention he didnt like his classes?

Work is going well. He is busy learning the ins and outs of managing, while coaching the JV soccer team. I think I see him a maximum of .234542 hours a week. And in that time we have just enough time to eat and ask eachother how our days went....cant wait til graduation!

Riley and Berns are still partners in crime and got the chance to spend a week together without me. I went to a conference in Denver while Berns and Riley took on the world together from home. Everytime I called they were laughing, tickling, or doing something fun without me....I think there week was more fun not having me there than when I am there. Maybe I should go on trips more often! California, Seattle, New York, Tailand....here I come! Berns had to leave before I got back, so Riley had the chance to drive up with a friend to Denver and live out the week with me in Denver. She loved going to watch a show at the Denver Performing Arts Complex and eating "shiny food" (I assume that means at a nice restaurant, but you never know with this girl).

Berns was in Grand Junction and Durango enjoying the life of a soccer boy coaching the high school and watching the Fort Lewis Team as an alum. (hes' wearing MY pink robe cause it was "Too Tough To Wear Pink" day at the game in support of cancer...

And lastly...news about me--which you sort of got at the beginning.--I think it's getting cold way to fast. I also have spent the majority of the month traveling around having fun. Riley and I took a trip to see the family in Utah over labor day for a few days. Mom came with us, Berns was sad to stay home and work....darn responsibilities (which I'm sure that I have...but I tend to ignore some of them...darn it.) Ask mom about the Kangaroo Zoo story...you'll get a kick out of it.

I then got to head up to Denver for a week and play. Really, it was for a conference that was about arts integration--but it was also eating REALLLY GOOD FOOD (just to give you an example I ate blueberry cheesecake waffles with graham cracker maple syrup for dinner....ammmmmaaaaazzzing.)..I ate WAAAAAAY too much. We also spent time shopping and spending all of that money Berns was making by staying home :).....Not really.

Other than that, I've been working (when i can fit it into my vacation schedule :) ),

teaching children how to sing and dance and do the jig. I'm also working on a show in October to benefit the kids with Cancer in Durango...which is suprisingly a lot of them. It will be a fun Disney show!! Come see it! Oh, and if you havent noticed by now....I chopped all my hair off. I'm officially a soccer mom...now all I need is a mini van :(

Other than that life has been simple and pleasureable for us. We are all looking forward to big changes (hopefully) that will come within the end of the year...graduating, moving, NOT HAVING TO WORK AT 4am EVERYDAY!!!!. We love life, we love soccer, we love singing and dancing, we love cookies....We love you!

~Shea, Berns, and Ri.

Monday, August 6, 2007

August 2007

Aight, I'm at work, bored out of my mind, so what better time to update ya'll on what's been going on the last month and some with our little family. It's been quite the summer with lots of laughs, heartaches, driving, food, ice cream....and new kitties (yikes).

That's right, Riley got two (yes two) new Kitties after she came back from visiting her dad's house the beginning of July. She has been begging and pleading for a kitty, since, the beginning of time. Berns told her she could have one after the wedding sometime back in Feb....when we got back from Brazil she reminded us...darn those little kids with good memories. Nonetheless, she loves them and tortures them with great compassion, so it's been fun to have them around (I'm still holding my ground at the fact that I dont like cats though...)

Other than new kitties, Riley is spending her time coloring, riding her bike, swimming, and just being a precious little four year old. A few days ago she decorated herself with stickers from head to toe so that she could be a monster...We couldnt help but laugh. She is hysterical. She has also enjoyed decorating Berns with her make-up kit....I think she is preparing for beauty school...and what a better canidate to practice on than Berns...

Speaking of the "not-feminine-just-wearing-makeup-cause-the-child-made-him" soccer boy, he has spent his time working, and working some more. Starting next week we will no longer see him as he will start coaching the JV high school soccer team, still work at Sherwin Williams, and go to school full time...it was nice having a husband for 3 months.... moohaha. He will graduate December 15th (anyone wanting to come is more than welcome!! Especially Lani with some cookies). He's getting more and more excited about being done with school and entering the "real" world....I however feel extremely old for having a husband that i met in high school and he is now graduating college. We both attended Jessica's high school graduation thinking we needed some canes or wheelchairs when we came to the realization that Jessiy was in 6th grade when we graduated....I think I just heard some cracking in my joints...

I have been spending my time....you guessed right....working. I'm still at the hospital torturing people with needles; but I have also had the joy of choreographing a musical at the Durango Arts Center that opens this week. Adding to that, I didnt have enough dancers, so mom stuck me in some of the dances because I looked "under 19"....I still havent decided if I like that. Nonetheless it's been a very fun experience. Jess gets mad cause I'm making her tap, Celidh (one of my dancers) gets mad cause I make her pretend she's in love with her partner and has to get "cuddly" with him; and Becca (my other dancer) is mad because none of my dances involved eating or lying down....I'm so harsh. Although, I'm not sure I like being one of the dancers either....I find that when you choreograph, you dont really know the dance well enough to dance it....funny how that happens.

In other news...Berns bought me a new car!! It's precious and he's precious. It's a 2007 Nissan Sentra, and it's smarter than I am. Which is why I have decided to go back to school in the next couple weeks. If things go right I should be graduating with a bachelors and a minor is 2 years...yes, it's been forever since i started school....but things are now looking like I'll finally be able to finish---thank heaven for good husbands!

We are all heathy and happy. We've been tossed and trampled on this summer, but all in all we are doing great. Riley is still the same little bundle of laughs, Berns still dances funny, and I'm just Shea....
Until next time.....
Berns, Shea, and Ri

Sunday, June 17, 2007

And Now Introducing.....

It's official, Berns and I have joined the cyber world of blogging. I figured it was easier than sending out a huge long email every month...well, that and I can make it look cute.

As you all know (or may not know) Berns and I tied the knot May 2nd (Sorry all you lovely single ladies, the Brasilian futebol player is no longer on the playing field.) And as luck would have it our honeymoon proved to be quite efficient as a little Costa will be joining the family next year.

Berns has since been spending his time trying to figure out all of the millions of papers he needs to fill out so they will let him work. He thinks he is quite smart for marrying a 'Sugar Momma' but little does he know that once he graduates, I'm officially retired. Well, except for the whole raising kids job, and convincing Berns to let me open my own Acai store...

Berns' soccer team, Atletico, has been doing great. He really wished he could go to all of their games. Actually he tried to convince me to fly to Belo in the middle of our honeymoon (which by the way was on a beautiful island...I'm sooooo mean) to watch a game but he settled for watching it on TV....again, on an island. He checks the rankings daily...or hourly, even though they only play once a week. Poor boy. Felipe, if you are such the kind brother you claim, send your brother a video of a game....he will watch it over and over and over again.

Riley is off in good ol' Greeley, Co visiting her dad. This baffles the Sunday school kids Berns and I have been assigned to teach. Their 9 year old minds don't see how she is visiting him when her "dad" is sitting in the class room....such sweet innocent minds. After talking to Riley, she is enjoying her time playing with her friends, swimming, and attempting to ride her bike. She assures us that she is "more awesomer" than we are cause she went under water by herself. If you saw Berns and mine attempt at snorkling, she is probably right.

Berns is telling me that I have written too much, so all that is left to say is that I'm back at work....at 4 am 5 days a week and WHAT A THRILL it is.....I mean that in a not really way. The idea of going home and taking a nap is what gets me through the day. Cooking up a baby is very exhausting, and makes me quite ill. I'm hoping the nausea and stomach pains go away any day. I feel like I've already doubled my weight, although, the baby is only the size of a strawberry right now....I've already signed Berns up to carry the next child. He says he will if I fly him down to watch an Atletico game....it may be worth the money...Until next month....we love and miss you all. Come visit---Berns makes good sandwiches and I mix some pretty good kool-aide.

much love,

Berns, Shea, Ri, and the strawberry