Zoie Bicalho Costa!
Born: May 13, 2008 @ 3:29pm
Weight: 7lbs 3 oz--19inches long
(3.270 kg--48.3 cm)
Zoie joined our world yesterday afternoon after only about 6 hours of labor! Happily for me, the labor was very easy and she came SUPER fast. My doctors and nurses were wonderful and made the experience less stressful for me. Berns did a great job and has been radiating a particular glow for the past 24 hours. He was incredibly helpful throughout the entire labor and while we are still in the hospital (which is currently where I am writing this blog! I couldnt wait to share pictures!) Little Riley was able to stop by last night with aunt Britt. She liked seeing her for...a minute....but then just wanted to go back to her cousin's house (hospitals are not very exciting for a 5 year old!) She didnt feel like holding Zoie, but she was ready and willing to give her kisses. I'm sure the adjustment will take a little bit--but she is going to be a wonderful sister I'm sure! (she is already in the works for making plans for dressing Zoie up in princess dresses).
I am healing as expected. Sore mostly, but I have been able to get up and walk around...and that alone is quite the miracle considering the poor shape I was in after having Riley! I love just sitting here and watching Zoie sleep. In the rare moments that she is awake, she loves looking around to try and find where mommy and daddy's voices are coming from. She is just like Riley and has attached herself to a binky--she came out attached to her fingers; so we gave in and let her have a binky.
Watching such a little beautiful little person makes me realize how wonderful being a mother is and how much I adore my family. If you would have asked me in high school what my dreams and ambitions were, I would have told you, singing-dancing--acting--living in the limelight. Dont get me wrong, I still love singing and dancing (and most would say I love attention)--but I have come to learn that children make your lives happy ever afters, husbands really are knights in shining armor, and have a family is a fairy tale that any lucky person would be graced with.
My family, daughters, and husband really are the bee's knees. Now that I've posted something WAAAAY too long...here are the long awaited pictures of our new princess...
I LOVE the pictures of Berns, Riley and Zoie! I can feel Berns' glow. I am so happy for you and anxious to see you all sometime this summer. Congrats!
precious litle family!!!!!!!!!
Congrats you guys! That is one beautiful little girl. Hold her tight while she still lets you!
Devin & Elisa Caldwell
Absolutely and totally awesome! I am in total agreement that babies and families is what it's all about. Come see Lovely Auntie Laurie soon!
Congratulations Shea and Berns. I am so glad it went better this time around.
Don't forget I want to take pictures!
SO CUTE!!!!! I'm so excited to see her!!!
The last picture of Berns and Zoie is the CUTEST picture I have ever seen!!!!
Congrats! Welcome Zoie!
I have no words. I can't believe you are my family, part of my life.Shea, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this come true. Now I have two wonderful granddaughters! Hope to see you all in July.
Gui, Ceriz, Felipe and Mariana
She's beautiful! I'm so jealous that you're already done though...Congratulations!!
Such a lucky family! We are so happy for you! You should have Riley read "Fancy Nancy" so she can be really prepared for dressing up Zoie!
Shea-Babe, you are awesome! I was touched by your tribute to princesses, knights, and dreams come true. I'm glad I get to be a part of it all, too. Congrats!
Família Bicalho e agregados
Estamos apaixonadas pela Zoie. Que coisinha mais lindinha,mais fofinha. Aguardamos ansiosos pela vinda de vcs em dezembro. Um beijo especial pra Riley e pra Shea e para o papai corujão.
Nós, Júlia, Vovó Dorita, Vovô Wilson, Tia Val, Nini, Tia Ceriz, Cristiane e eu, a vovó mais bonita.
Oi Bebezinho!!!!
Adoramos as fotos! Amei a sua cara de pai babão segurando a Zoie!!! KKKKKK
Acho que este será o melhor NATAL na casa da vovó Dorita com três novos membros da família BICALHO! ZOIE, ARTUR(do Léo)e LUIZ HENRIQUE(do Fabaino)!!!!
Obs: vc viu o nome do filho do Leo, ne?!!! Qualquer semelhança com o ZICO e Flamengo é mera coincidência!!!!
Parabéns pela sua linda família!
Espero vocês com bolo de chocolate e palha italiana,pra variar!
hahaha! Olha como descubro noticias sobre a nossa familia! hehe Uma simples busca no google para saber a origem da familia Bicalho, me deparo com o terceiro site de busca falando que o natal na casa da vovo Dorita vai ser otimo. Ai penso: "sera que eh minha avo?" Entro no site, me deparo com fotos nas quais nao reconheco as pessoas e fecho o site. Acho estranho e decido voltar. Qndo acho o comentario falando sobre a vovo dorita, vejo que eh o blog do Bernardo e vejo que a familia ta cheia de novos membros que eu nem sabia! hahaha
Esse mundo da internet é foda mesmo!
Por fim, parabens Bernardo!
Oi Bernardo! Adorei te ver com as lindas filhas e a Shea. Parabéns a todos! Quando vier ao Brasil, não se esqueça de mim. Bjs com carinho. Vera Bicalho
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