So, Berns came home from work today saying that people were wanting to know how to reach Lindsay for photography...those of you wanting to know...go here:
I'm sure she would love anyone to call her and let her take pictures!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Our Little Model
So, I have a wonderful wonderful cousin that offered to take pictures of little Zoie. Being that I looooove pictures, I couldnt turn her down. Zoie didnt really want to cooperate, but after 2 photo shoots, Lindsay got some very cute shots. Unfortunetly, Riley hates getting her picture taken (if you havent noticed, she never looks at the camera...) so she didn't get to participate--I'm hoping I can bribe her with some My Little Ponies and that I can get a good photo shoot with her. Nonetheless, (I hope Lindsay doesnt mind me sharing her wonderful pictures with all of you!!) here are some of my favorites, although they are all nice. The ones of just Zoie was when she was 2 weeks old. The ones with Berns and I are when she was 3 weeks old. I recommend anyone thats in the Utah area that needs some family pictures to hire Lindsay...she made us all look cute afterall!! Thanks Lindsay!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Being that it's father's day...I think I will take this moment to tell all of you how fantastic Berns is.

It's interesting to me that in today's society it isn't "cool" to be a family person. Most "cool" people have decided that a job that makes lots of money, going out to dinner every night, and having the newest and greatest high tech toy is what makes happiness. I find that most people have decided that getting married is overrated and would rather find themselves in the single crowd at a bar, or short term relationships. When they finally decide that its time to get married, they are in their 30's, maybe 40's. Some think having children is ludicrous, others think it's ok to start their family in their 40's. I'm not one to judge, this could be a great life...just not the one I prefer. 

Then there are people that I see that want to surround themselves with little league, dance rehearsals, saturday nights at the park, friday night at Chucky Cheese, hot dogs and chips for
dinner, scraped knees, My Little Ponies, and late night bottle feedings. They surround themselves with these things because they love spending time with their children and love the family life.....this is how Berns is. He is the most wonderful father anyone could ask for. He would drop what he is doing in an instant to play dress up with Riley, have a wrestling match, snuggle with Zoie, or read a story. He is daddy in its truest form.

"Any man can be a father, it takes someone special to be a daddy".

We love Berns and the daddy that he is and we are so greatful for his wonderful young spirit. 

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Sneaky Me
So, this will be my first time 'blogging!' Shea doesn't know I'm doing this, so that's why I have to do it before I come home... Anyways, I just thought it would be nice for everybody to hear more about Shea, because she never talks about herself nor posts pictures of herself! So I'm going to take some time to talk about the 'oldest girl' in our family! But I don't have any pictures on my computer, I'm sorry!
Shea has awed me since the day I met her. When I saw her with Riley, I knew she was a wonderful and loving mother. It took me a few months to convince her to marry me... I had to use some black magic I learned growing up (not really...). Anyways, she spent our first year of marriage pregnant! It wasn't easy for her, especially working at 4am during the first half of the pregnancy! Of course she complained and of course she asked me to do even more stuff than usual (you should be laughing right now if you really know Shea), but I did it gladly!!!
Since Zoie was born, the house has piled up with laundry to do, dishes to be washed and a constant runaway dog. That's because Shea spends most of her time either feeding the baby or entertaining her! So when I come home and try to pick Zoie up, she looks at me with an odd face like, 'you're not mommy.' That just tells you how good Shea is at this whole parenting thingy! Me, on the other hand, I just try not to get on the way! I think Zoie knows me as the guy who changes her diapers and makes her scream while at it!
Shea doesn't get much sleep but everytime I see her, she's happy and entertaining Zoie! I honestly couldn't ask for a better mother to my children! Riley is still as cute as one could possibly be and dramatic as one could possibly be! She is still on my top 5 of all-time funniest people! Just as an example, she got in trouble at the begining of this week for throwing a fit while cleaning her room. She got some toys taken away from her and after yelling for the whole neighborhood to hear, I told her I would give it back if she doesn't throw a fit next time she has to clean her room. She then looked at me with the saddest face in the world and said, 'but it's so hard to clean my room without throwing a fit!' Yeah, the ONLY difference between her and Shea are the 20 years that separates them.
Well, I just wanted to say again that Zoie and Riley are wonderful and that Shea NEVER gives herself enough credit. I have no idea what would be of this family if it wasn't for her wonderful spirit and cheerful attitude!
I think you should all try to find yourselves a 'Shea:' it'll make you happy!
Shea has awed me since the day I met her. When I saw her with Riley, I knew she was a wonderful and loving mother. It took me a few months to convince her to marry me... I had to use some black magic I learned growing up (not really...). Anyways, she spent our first year of marriage pregnant! It wasn't easy for her, especially working at 4am during the first half of the pregnancy! Of course she complained and of course she asked me to do even more stuff than usual (you should be laughing right now if you really know Shea), but I did it gladly!!!
Since Zoie was born, the house has piled up with laundry to do, dishes to be washed and a constant runaway dog. That's because Shea spends most of her time either feeding the baby or entertaining her! So when I come home and try to pick Zoie up, she looks at me with an odd face like, 'you're not mommy.' That just tells you how good Shea is at this whole parenting thingy! Me, on the other hand, I just try not to get on the way! I think Zoie knows me as the guy who changes her diapers and makes her scream while at it!
Shea doesn't get much sleep but everytime I see her, she's happy and entertaining Zoie! I honestly couldn't ask for a better mother to my children! Riley is still as cute as one could possibly be and dramatic as one could possibly be! She is still on my top 5 of all-time funniest people! Just as an example, she got in trouble at the begining of this week for throwing a fit while cleaning her room. She got some toys taken away from her and after yelling for the whole neighborhood to hear, I told her I would give it back if she doesn't throw a fit next time she has to clean her room. She then looked at me with the saddest face in the world and said, 'but it's so hard to clean my room without throwing a fit!' Yeah, the ONLY difference between her and Shea are the 20 years that separates them.
Well, I just wanted to say again that Zoie and Riley are wonderful and that Shea NEVER gives herself enough credit. I have no idea what would be of this family if it wasn't for her wonderful spirit and cheerful attitude!
I think you should all try to find yourselves a 'Shea:' it'll make you happy!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Our Girls
Days come and go too fast I've decided. Riley is already 5...I say already only because I was looking at Zoie yesterday and remembering times when Riley was that went toooo fast. People keep laughing at me cause I keep making little remarks about how Zoie is getting too big too fast. I get the response, "Shea, she is still tiny, she is only 3 weeks old (almost 4!)." So my response to that is, yes, the 8 little pounds that she is is still pretty little (especially since she holds all of her weight in her cheeks and her little legs remain scrawny.) but the 4 weeks she has been with us have flown. She is already trying her hardest to keep her head up for us, and manages to have some awake time for a good hour at a time. Riley starts first grade next year...yes, I'm telling you all that time goes too fast.
This week has been yet another fun eventful week for our little household. We were graced with the company of our dear high school friends Katherine and Pam. It was so nice to have them here spoiling Riley and Zoie and being patient as they experienced the "family" life of Berns and Shea. They flew out from California Wed night and made the trek back home early early Saturday morning. We already miss them. However, now that I have no more visitors for a few weeks, I will gladly ignore the house work and cleaning for awhile while I nap and snuggle a newborn and play My Little Ponies with our 5 year old.
We also got the chance to take Riley to Raging Waters water park for my jetBlue's yearly summer party. They weather started out pretty yucky and cold, but we braved it anyways. It ended up getting sunny (although, still a bit chilly). My sister and her cute family followed behind shortly to join the fun. Berns and I walked away with some pretty heinous sunburns, but Riley had a grand time. Not to mention that the water park gave everyone a ticket to go back another day this summer because the weather wasn't ideal. YAY for free fun!!
Berns and I remain madly in love with our two little girls (and each other) and that is the most important thing. At the end of the day we plop down in our bed exhausted and realize that we havent spent any time together that day because it was filled up with feedings, changing diapers, watching a spirited 5 year old learn new tricks, or play new games. I suppose some people would be baffled by the fact that we love this life. We wouldnt trade it for anything. We adore life and adore our are some pictures of the cute little ones...hopefully you'll understand why we find life so twitterpaiting :)
This week has been yet another fun eventful week for our little household. We were graced with the company of our dear high school friends Katherine and Pam. It was so nice to have them here spoiling Riley and Zoie and being patient as they experienced the "family" life of Berns and Shea. They flew out from California Wed night and made the trek back home early early Saturday morning. We already miss them. However, now that I have no more visitors for a few weeks, I will gladly ignore the house work and cleaning for awhile while I nap and snuggle a newborn and play My Little Ponies with our 5 year old.
We also got the chance to take Riley to Raging Waters water park for my jetBlue's yearly summer party. They weather started out pretty yucky and cold, but we braved it anyways. It ended up getting sunny (although, still a bit chilly). My sister and her cute family followed behind shortly to join the fun. Berns and I walked away with some pretty heinous sunburns, but Riley had a grand time. Not to mention that the water park gave everyone a ticket to go back another day this summer because the weather wasn't ideal. YAY for free fun!!
Berns and I remain madly in love with our two little girls (and each other) and that is the most important thing. At the end of the day we plop down in our bed exhausted and realize that we havent spent any time together that day because it was filled up with feedings, changing diapers, watching a spirited 5 year old learn new tricks, or play new games. I suppose some people would be baffled by the fact that we love this life. We wouldnt trade it for anything. We adore life and adore our are some pictures of the cute little ones...hopefully you'll understand why we find life so twitterpaiting :)
Cute toes...we cant resist them
Zoie in her swimsuit ready for the waterpark! (ya, so she just sat in the shade the whole time...but the suit was too cute to not have)
Sisters hanging out on Riley's bed

Riley enjoying lunch at the waterpark...nothing better than junk food and swimming in the sun!
Riley out of the water...a bit chilly!!!

Zoie's bath!! She is starting to love them
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