Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reason #3985402039 to have little girls

They look super cute in tights, fluffy boots, and pea coats.

Trim the Tree

I'm a bit of a freak about Christmas. If I could justifiably do it, I would start decorating in July. So the day after Thanksgiving I made Berns pull out all the decorations and MADE my sister Damon come join in the decorating fun. Berns and Damon put the tree together. Riley sorted out decorations...and I got the AWE.SOME. job of detangling lights (how on earth did I end up with the craptacular job?)..and Zoie..she well...see for yourself...

The loot from the garage

....and THIS is what I found Zoie doing in the other room. Let me make note that I can hardly open the cabinets to the game closet, yet somehow the 1 year old opened it, found the cards, and scattered them....everywhere...

Then she proceeded to get the christmas box and push it to the trashcan so she could rummage through the trash...such a good little helper.

Going Postal

I have been informed that I have been much-a-slacker at updating the lives of the Costas. So, let's back up to the beginning on the lovely christmas season and start from there.

As soon as December 1st hit...well, let's be honest, as soon as Thanksgiving dinner was eaten; Riley decided it was time to get going on her letter to Santa. She wrote many rough drafts (yes, she told me that's what they were) before she was ready to send them off.
And then Riley asked me, "Mom...just how do I know that Santa is getting this. What is my guarentee?"

Uh.... *think shea, think* "well....uh...the...uh....Post Elf leaves you a surprise in the mailbox when he comes to get it cause the normal postman cant take them--he doesnt know where Santa lives" (i know, i know, i'm pure genius)

So Riley took her letter...and the one she so graciously wrote for zoie, and stuck them in the mailbox. The next day, to her surprise, the genius little post elf left the 2 girls a surprise.

The best part of this story is what Riley's christmas list entailed.
1. A picture of an elf signed
2. A list of why Santa likes me so much
3. Homemade chocolate chip cookies from Mrs. Claus
4. A picture of the North Pole and Santa's House
5. A santa outfit

I've decided she's a good one. We will keep her.

The treasures inside.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shiny Happy People

And now I present to you the Costas....thanks sister for cute pictures.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

All I Want For Christmas:

Dear Santa,

I tried to be a good wife and cook my husband a nice delicious steak. He rarely gets them because I throw up at the thought of chewing and swallowing one. I bought top-o-the-line stuff. I read a recipe. I had my marinade....then I tried to "tenderize" the darn thing....which, Santa sir, is kinda hard when you dont have one of those special tenderizing tools. So Santa, as you can tell by the pictures below, I had to resort to using something else....Santa darling- I look like a fool hammering my husbands prime cut piece of nastyness. If I shall ever venture to cook one again, I'm gonna need a tenderizing tool.
Thank you kindly,
Shea Costa

Becometh As A Child

...." becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love..." (Mosiah 3:19)

And that's exactely what I did November 10-12. Disneyland. I've gone 2394832874 times. But to go with my children and watch Disneyland and the magic it is through their eyes was amazing.

As adults we look at things and try to figure them out. We take the magic out of life. Children watch in wonder and awe. Life is so much better with a 7 year old and a 1 year old. Disneyland is too.


The month of November seemed to slip out of my fingers; so now I gotta play catch up. First up--a story about eating...my favorite kinds of stories.

This story involves, Rolls, salad, turkey, gravy, jello, carrots, pie, brownies...food, food, and more food.

Ya, ya guessed it. Thanksgiving. I have never had the "privledge" to cook an entire feast of food at my house. My lovely aunt and uncle invited us over and just asked that I bring some side dishes. Who'da thunk that making 1 salad, 1 fancy carrots, and 1 jello dish would take 4 hours that morning. Geez oh petes...

Riley and Zoie were in seventh heaven. Riley loved it cause she had people to play with and things to decorate. Zoie loved it cause she got food. Anytime food is around, Zoie is content. Berns and I were just happy to be with family laughing and creating fond memories for our kiddos. We are thankful for so many things--but mostly for each other. Life is good.

This is the face you get from Zoie when you ask her to say "cheese"...priceless.

This is the face you get when you ask Berns to say "cheese"...uh...priceless?