Friday, March 20, 2009

Riley's Encore Audition

Dear Durango Performing Arts Company and Mrs. Hagemeister:

Riley would like to be considered for a place in Encore. Here is her audition video. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.


Aubrey said...

Give her a spot!!

SladeMomma said...

Oh my! And I know it was the lighting, but it looked like a bustline there! Watch out world, here comes Riley!

Dana said...

I'm swiping her moves...

Anonymous said...

I especially love the leg swing. I think I peed my pants...

lovely laurie said...

She definitely got her moves from her mommy!

Unknown said...

this is the most amazing thing ever! she can have my spot! she's better than i ever was.

lissalynn said...

the apple doesnt fall far.... shes great shea! and i was impressed that she could even see through all that hair in her face!