Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 2

doing WAAAAAAAAAY too much of this....

makes me do this....

....and a little of this....

....and some more of this...

The only thing that kept me sane while I Peapod

Remember this heinous thing? Why oh why have we not taken it down yet?

A WHOLE LOT of yellow paint was painted (its our main color...)

I got sick of painting walls--Riley looked like a much more fun project.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 1

Let the demolition begin. Berns spent day 1 ripping out baseboards...what a hassle! Lucky for me that is a boys job. I spent the day putting up blue tape. BORING! It is the most tedious annoying job cause it takes so long and has to be perfect since you don't want the paint to look dumb. I hate blue tape. I despise blue tape. Blue tape and I are NOT friends. Riley and Berns spent some quality time painting while I sat on the stairs to make sure Zoie didn't venture down there to be destructive--she was NOT happy about this.

What did we discover? This house is going to take forever to finish with a destructive one year old around....

Ripping the baseboards out.

the blue taping begins....booo

The painting begins!!

This is what Zoie thought of not being aloud downstairs to help paint.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well friends, folks, strangers, passerbys, and random viewers:

After eleventy billion days in escrow, we finally closed on June 4th! We are super stoked and can't wait to move in.....However, the moving in wont happen for awhile. Being that we live in Vegas, the only kinds of houses you can buy are foreclosures (if you happen upon one that is actually being sold by the owner it's a miracle). Most foreclosures are not in the best shape because people are bitter and tear the house apart before they are asked {told} to vacate.

Lucky for us, the house we chose wasnt destroyed--it was just dirty (the carpet makes me gag) and the paint colors were....well...hmmm.."sherbert-y" (really neon green, bright orange, bright blue, puke green...hmmm)
So we didnt nessecarily buy a "fix-er-upper"--we just bought a "cosmetically challenged" house. We plan on spending the next month or so repainting, tearing up floors and putting wood ones in, putting in moulding...blah blah blah--basically making it purty. :)

So here you have it friends. Our new humble abode BEFORE we have touched, scraped, painted, or torn anything. I promiss to post pictures of the transformation. Yay for us--life is good.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Last week I was fortunate enough to babysit a sweet little 3 month old named Avery. Well, I never imagined Zoie would take so well to her! Every time she would come over little Zo got super excited and shouted "Hi BABY!" in her own little way.

If you have been reading my blog, you are well aware that Zoie likes to sit on things as of late. Well, this was just the case with little Avery. I had to watch the 2 of them like a hawk. Zoie tried to back up and take a seat on her belly every chance she got. She also found it quite fun to tap her head, pet her, and point out where her nose and mouth was. We had a good time playing with Avery--but it was exhausting trying to keep up with Zoie so she wouldnt destroy the poor child!

So, before you even fathom asking--no...just because Zoie loves babies, I will not be having another one for a while....

I convinced her that petting the baby was just as fun as trying to sit on her.

And since the baby got a really cool seat to sit in...

...then of course Zo had to try it out. (I would like to point out she got stuck in this thing, on more than one occasion..but kept going back)

Might I mention that Zoie HATES and DESPISES her car seat. But since this is the baby's car seat--it was bound to hold treasures and fun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Hub-bub

My rants have recently been about...well...not much. So I thought I would actually put some substance into the blog and tell you the happenings of the Costas.

Miss Rooster is 6 going on 20. She is sassy and full of soul--but we love every bit of her. Her favorite thing to do these days is read (wha? is she really my child?). She spends hours upon hours on her bed or the couch reading and re-reading anything she can get her hands on. She is quite fascinated with Junie B Jones books. They just announced the reading program at the library that awards children prizes for reading and she got SUPER stoked. Barnes N Noble is also giving away free books for reading--so she is actively working on reading...
Being that she isnt aloud to watch TV during the week, Riley's imagination and vocabulary is something that has wowed us daily...Examples? Oh, of course:

A friend asked if Riley was going to get up to do karaoke at a recent church party. Riley's response: "Oh, I dont do that, I'm socially awkward".

Anytime she thinks something is funny it is "Ah-larious". Or any observation she makes starts with an "apparently".
She is a goober and we love her!

Zoie is...a 1 year old monster. I often tell my sister that her 2 year old Izzy is the epitome of a toddler. Well, I think Zoie and Izzy have secret meetings and communications because Zoie has also turned into the epitome of toddler. She is into EVERYTHING. She loves to tote toys, band aids, clothes, cereal boxes, remote controls, books, and credit cards around the house.
She still doesnt have a single tooth--but only wants to eat "real people food"--so she gums anything you place in front of her.
These days if Zoie isnt off destructing something in the house, you can find her sitting on or snuggling with Sophie. She LOOOOOOVES the dog. And the good pup Sophie is just lies there and takes the abuse. Zo is at such a fun age. I cant stop laughing. She is, without a doubt, amusing.

Berns and I are same ol same ol. We celebrated our anniversary this month! We enjoyed a night out at the Melting Pot (which is both of our favorite restaurant). he is still the same goofy guy he has always been and I love him to pieces.
We are really the boring ones of the family being that we dont say funny things or get excited to read books. And no one finds it amusing when we destruct the house or sit on the dogs face. *sigh* being old is just no fun--it is a good thing we have such fantastic kiddos to keep us young.

Vegas is treating us all great. We are enjoying the sunshine on an everyday basis. Yes, is it a weeeeeee bit hot--but come visit anyways. You can sit pool side while Riley reads you a story and Zoie empties your suitcase.

Monday, June 1, 2009


My husband is a BIG fan of knick knacks to say the least. He's likes doodads and wigwams and schbazians. So it comes as no surprise when he found a $3.00 headlight at Ross that he bought it. When I saw it in the cart my only response was "really?" and he replied with, "Honey, those are always good to have around."

Well my friends....most people might use them to go into caves, or hiking at night, or even doing some kind of project outside at night. Or even on some cool mapped out excursion....but no, my husband is not "most people". Apparently THIS is the reason these are ALWAYS good to have....

I dont know people....I really just dont know....