Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 2

doing WAAAAAAAAAY too much of this....

makes me do this....

....and a little of this....

....and some more of this...

The only thing that kept me sane while I Peapod

Remember this heinous thing? Why oh why have we not taken it down yet?

A WHOLE LOT of yellow paint was painted (its our main color...)

I got sick of painting walls--Riley looked like a much more fun project.

3 comments: Shop said...

check me out!!! cute puppies!

SladeMomma said...

I can see the new yellow paint in the background. So happy! So when you are all finished, you must post some of your happy face pictures.

Niels and Susie Jensen said...

Um, I just realized where Zoie got her scowl.