Monday, October 19, 2009

Go Speed Racer

WHOA out motorists- Riley and Zoie have found their callings in life...NASCAR here they come. Riley got her speed racer last Christmas and has taken it upon herself to take Zoie in it every chance she gets. It's ridiculously cute the little sisterly bonding they do.
It also looked ridiculously fun--so of course I had to try...however, my big bum didn't fit....but I made do....never mind the fact that the bottom practically scraped the cement and it putted a long at .0056 MPH when I got on it....
Watch out world-- the Costa girls are gearing up for the next Indy 500...


Kara said...

SOOOO cute!! They are just adorable, especially together in that cool car!

Christi said...

Cute pictures. I can say I knew her when...

SladeMomma said...

You have really darling daughters, did you know that?!