Saturday, October 10, 2009

Updates? what are those?

Hello family, friends, and random internet browsers. I have been HORR.I.BLE. at updating the where abouts and recent shenanigans of the Costa house hold. Bare with me people...bare with me.
Yes...we are back from Brasil...and we have been for almost a month now. Brasil was wonderful as always. We enjoyed partying, eating (too the tune of 6 extra pounds too much...yikes), visiting with family, laughing, relaxing, shopping....eating....some more eating...

The girls loved being pampered by all the family that was there and I loved sitting and doing nothing while everyone pampered my girls. Right when we got back I was thrown into having to pack up our rental house and move everthing into the house we bought...followed by unpacking...throwing a babyshower, a surprise birthday party, school starting, dance classes starting, etc etc etc. So, to say the least--updating was put away.

However...give me a day or so, and you'll be overloaded with too many pictures of our girls, a few of Berns and I that you probably dont really care to see, and waaaaaaay too many words written by me rambling on and on about what we've been up Dont touch that dial.