Saturday, April 30, 2011

Best Toy on Earth

well, well, well, what do we have here?

WHOA, it grows. Wowzer what fun!

HOLY HANNA! This thing is huge! (she gears up to full blow jump in the water fully clothed.

Nuttin better to do with it than play in it! This thing is loads of fun

*turns around to see alll the other fountains*, "Oh, ME GOODNESS!" (Zo was a bit overwhelmed by the thought of so many awesome fountatins to play in!)

It's official--Random fountains in Hollywood, CA= happiest place on earth.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Let's not forget

It was 90 degrees in Vegas today. I said, "uff...already?"..then I found these pictures and reminded myself that it does, get cold enough for winter apparel in Vegas...however, I have packed it away and stored it in the attic because Project Heinous Heat 2011 is fixin to start. Oh goo.

Fun with gramps and grams.

Berns' parents (as well as a couple aunts and 2 crazy cousins) came to visit us in January for a few weeks. It was nonstop fun for all. Bia got to soak up the sun while Vovo Gui gave her her daily dose of Vitamin D. Riley enjoyed having everyone wait on her hand and foot and Vovo Ceriz walking her to the bus stop every morning, and Zo loved the fact that she got to get away with practically everything. It's sad that we live so far away from such great family members--I have told Berns he should now become a pilot so we can go visit them more often--I'm not getting very far with that. --My next plan is to present him with buying us a plane and hiring a pilot. One way or another we will get down to visit them again soon so the girls can bask in the glory that Vovo Ceriz and VoVo Gui are.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Reunion

Remember these 2 cuties?

They met up again at Disneyland for another date. Face it friends, it's written in the stars.

The Newest Trend?

So, I know I'm not the most stylish person in the world. But, really, I didn't think I was soooo bad that my two oldest daughters wouldn't be able to figure out how to coordinate things. I am blaming this all on Berns.

I apologize deeply for Riley's last outfit...white tights, plaid shorts, a floral oh man...oh, p.s.--when she put it on she made sure to come wake me from my slumber to show me how great she looked. I quickly turning on my acting capabilities and asked her if I could wear it when she was done. She was crazy proud of it.
I repeat...blame Berns.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Slept through the countdown... New Years I suppose. Seeing as it is the beginning of April, and as I recall, New Years happens in January. Let's play catch up--not so much for all of you; but more so for me when I look back many years from now and wonder what the heck I did December 31st 2010...cuz I do things like that.

We meandered our way to Durango for New Years this year after Christmas to play with Grandma Nisey. Being that I'm a Colorado girl--New Years has always been spent in freezing weather and snow--and it just doesnt seem right to hang out in Vegas in mildly warm weather. Good ol' Durango didnt let us down and we freezed our tushies off, so we stayed in doors and danced to wii dance for hours and ate unruley ammounts of food. The girls loved it and still are begging Berns to buy a wii just for that purpose-(yes, the GIRLS are begging him--not me---no way...*wink*).
Poor papa Berns was working and didnt get to enjoy the fun in Durango with us. We miss having his goofiness around times like this. Hopefully he'll join us next time. Until then--yup, you guessed, some pictures!

Crazy crazy lady and her crazy crazy granddaughter.

Lots of love--Gma Nisey is top notch.

Lil B sure does love her Gpa--he was the only normal one in the room.

Zo loves the sparkling cider aka "fuzzy juice"

Sweetest thing ringing in the new year

and then there is Landon...nuff said.