Thursday, August 11, 2011

Spring break came late this year. Who has ever heard of spring break being in the middle of April? It's dumb I tell ya. Riley ventured off to Colorado for the week and the 2 itties and I ventured to a faaaar off place known as St George with our buddy Brinlee and her adorable little redhead Kimber. It was such a fun relaxing trip. We spent most all day splashin at the Splash Park and cooled off in the evening by strollin down to "moo" at some cows and draw on the sidewalks while sucking on delectable suckers. We ate some super pizza at the Pizza Factory and scrumptious brownies made by Brinlee's sister.
Zo was in heaven taking a road trip with her buddy while Bia just chilled with her 8 month old self while strutting her chubby thighs in her swimsuit. Next time it will have to last more than 48 hours.

Pretty much my favorite picture from the 2 days. She is hysterical. If her mother would let me I would adopt her.

pure joy. Being a child must be the coolest thing ever.

1 comment:

Brinlee said...

Oh! Can we PLEASE do that again soon! End of September? Love y'all!