Alright, Alright, Alright!! After 56509450693 emails and a few calls, I will verify that we did in fact move to Las Vegas--land of hotter-than-acid heat and bright lights (amoung a few other things that we just pretend arent here). Berns was fortunate enough to land a nice job as an Operations Manager. His office is at home and our home is cute. (pictures to follow after im finished decorating) I miss my sister and her ADORABLE children (oh, and Nate, dont think we forgot about you) very much--but we look forward to the possibilities this job will present to us. We are also close to my dad now--so that is good :)
Riley has mixed feelings about the move--but generally, she is having a good time. She misses her cousins and her two favorite buddies (Madde and Olivia)--but reminds me constantly that she gets to go visit them. She is thrilled at the prospect of going to the beach since it's only a few hours away (get ready to house us Pam, and Danny and Lauren!) She is also excited about her small "pool" in her backyard (our house came with a hot tub, but being that is 15,000 degrees, we will keep the heat off and told riley it could be her little pool). All in all, she is doing great and loves her new school. We love her and applaud her for the good job she has done with all the recent moves.
Zoie is....well, 3 months old....nothing phases her except if she doesnt get to take a nap--and even then, she doesnt get crabby...just smiles with tired eyes. Her favorite things these days are her sister, being held, and her fuzzzy wuzzy blankie. She is trying to master the art of grabbing things to put in her mouth. She hasn't quite figured out that she has to OPEN her fist to do that. The poor little thing someone got pink eye right before we moved...but being the great little baby she is, never fussed...she just smiled right through it.
Berns, as I said, started a new job and he seems to be loving it. He basically runs the business--payroll, office work, HR, manager, the whole shabang. I think he also loves the fact that he can wear the same thing for 2 days strait and noone seems to care. I'm happy that he is loving his job...makes me smile
I spend my time tending to children. Every now and again I realize its time to shower, clean, go grocery shopping, and cook. We have been staying at my dad's house until our house is ready for us next week, so I'm at a loss of things to do. I did take Zoie out the other day and ran errands while Riley was at school, but I decided its no fun to do that when its so hot...not to mention my "errands" was just me going shopping :) I love being mommy and love the fact that my husband is willing to let me do that. I'm in the process of trying to find good dance schools around here so I can get back into the "groove" of things...but for now, I'm just adjusting to yet another change in the life of the Costas...
Until next time...