Friday, September 26, 2008

Is it just me?

So, I realized that after what, 2 weeks of ignoring my duties as the blogger of the family, it's time to return to my keyboard and punch away the happenings of the little Costas.

HOWEVER, before I do that, I must ask... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!! I have tried ATLEAST eleventy billion chocolate chip cookie recipes only to fail at every single one!! I have tried cookies of my friends that are absolutely to die for--i get the recipe, give it a whirl, only to have my cookies taste like it just me? yes, yes it is.

Because of my rantings about my inability to make good cookies, you know what I have been up to this month....well, not all month. A girl can only try to bake for so long. I have also spent the month....attempting to clean up the house, but who am I kidding--not much progress has been made. Most of my time is spent squeezing itty bitty cheeks and making up ridiculous songs. Zoie laughs at me, Riley rolls her eyes at me. I have also mangaged to make a friend (YAY FOR ME!!) Riley and I have spent a good ammount of time playing with Natalie and Stephanie and Will--very nice and friendly people in our church. Stephanie and Riley are one in the same and enjoy running around being 6 year old girls. I've enjoyed the "girlie" time I've got to "gossip" with Natalie. Her darling little boy Will loves baby Zoie (he is almost 2) and he is such a sweetie! Other than that, I try to avoid the outdoors...which is usually not something I like to do. But when it's almost October and still 101 degrees outside, I find the sanctuary of my home very pleasing. They tell me it's cooling down though--bah ha!

Berns is loving his new job and loves working from home! I am really enjoying the situation too! He gets the chance to see the new things Zoie is doing and gets the chance to see Riley right when she gets home everyday--Not to mention I get to bug him all day long!!! I'm sure he's THRILLED. He hasnt had time to do much of anything besides that's the only update for him...sorry, I'll tell him to be a bit more exciting.

Little Miss Riley Roo is gorgeous and marvelous. She is the same creative little bug she has always been. She loves her new school and is enjoying making new friends. As I mentioned before she has met a new little friend that goes to her school and church. They are pretty much the same little person with different colored hair.
She also loves to spell...I'm not sure where she got that from cause I am the worst at spelling. She is currently visiting her dad in Utah and Megyn (her step mom) let me know that she was telling all her little neighborhood friends that she knows how to spell ADDRESS!!! Ahhhh, the joys of childhood... She knows how to spell address, but I dont think she actually knows her address....that will be next months goal...

Our Zoie monster is getting too big too fast. She just turned 4 months old! She has mastered the art of rolling over--then immediatly yells at us cause she hates being on her belly. She also developed her deep little belly laugh. (Dont worry grandparents, I'll post a video in days to come) For some reason she thinks its hysterical when I cackle like an evil witch...I dunno....

Other than that she coos, and smiles, and is the most content little baby I have ever seen. She ADORES her big sister and kicks her legs frantically in excitement whenever she gets home from school.

Life in Vegas, I must admit, is rather fantastic. I think it's due to the fact that I have a wonderful husband and 2 amazing children...and quite truthfully, I can't make cookies no matter where I live...


Aubrey said...

Poor Shea! Can't make cookies! I'll just have to make a bunch of dough for you to freeze when I am visiting. Zoie is getting too big! I miss you and your precious children...and I suppose your stinky husband too :) Can't wait to see you all in a couple weeks!

Lindsay said...

Have you tried my recipe? I gave it to Britt and she said it worked for her.

I was sorry I didn't get to see you at Laurie's. Sick kids are no fun!

I am glad that your life in Vegas is fabulous. Moving to a new place is never easy so I am glad for you that you are happy with it so far.

Anonymous said...

cookies, housework, laundry... not important when you have 2 precious little girls to love on!! Zoie is sure getting big and more cuter every post! Riley is always pretty! Enjoy them, Shea,,, time flies by us so fast that before you know it they will be all grown up. Your blogs are always uplifting and I love the pics! Keep on being a great mommy!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried the recipe on the back of the hershy morsals bag? I know that Riley and her cousins LOVE those ones! use crisco instead of butter, and cool them on foil instead of cooling racks....i dont know why, it just works better.

ToGeThEr AnD fUn said...

Oh Shea... I love reading your blogs... Zoie is getting more and more gorgeous every day, and Riley is just Riley, so precious all the time. I LOVED the house pictures, it looks gorgeous. All the blogs looks like a fairy tale to me...

I love you all.
