Spicy? Not so much...Pure awesomeness? Pretty much.
My ward was having a spaghetti dinner and a dessert auction. I was asked to make a dessert that was auction worthy....Here is the result: SPAGHETTI CUPCAKES! the meatballs are made out of Ferrera Rocher bon bons, the sauce is strawberry preserves, the "cheese" is shaved coconut, and the noodles are frosting....regular spaghetti will never be the same...
I LOVE Vegas' spring weather....none of this "it's April and still snowing" garbage. When Berns and I got married in May in Colorado it was still snowing (dont get me wrong, I love Colorado and would move back any day of the week). HOWEVER--Vegas' spring is delicious! It is perfect weather to be outside at the park, getting frozen yogurt, running through sprinklers, and drawing on sidewalks. It isnt heinously hot, temp stays in the 70's, and every so often a nice breeze goes through and yes it rains on occasion. It is spectacular.
Zoie has taken much liking to the swings at the park and Riley is off to a full blown sprint as soon as I park my car at the park. Too bad for Papae Berns and working a lot so he misses some of these outtings.
Vegas winters were a lot different than I expected. And while there wasnt a TON of snow (except that one day)--it was FRIGID and WINDY and NO BUENO! Welcome back sunshine...we like you.
In all honesty this picture has nothing to do with spring...but I like the ponytail :)
Makin spring time cookies...Riley likes sprinkles...maybe a little too much...
Zoie likes the spring cookies frosting....maybe a little too much....
Sooooo just because it's practically a month past Easter doesnt mean I cant write about it. I had every intention of doing it earlier....but in all honesty I didnt want to sit and upload pictures...plain and simple. HOWEVER...because of you regular followers (let's be honest, are there any?) I will start the posting....
WARNING however, SOMEONE (we wont name names or point fingers) got a little picture happy during Easter....so enjoy the maddness from behind the lens....
Riley discovering her goods that the Easter Bunny left behind.
All Dolled up in her Easter gear--my fav are the metallic purple shoes
Itty Peanut dolled up....just because she's bald doesnt mean she can't accessorize
my cute family--I think I shall keep them.
2 precious little ladies--sun in the eyes and all.
Some might think it's kool-aide
Easter egg hunt at my aunt's and uncles house--not only did the girls walk away with heeping piles of candy--but the eggs contained enough pocket change that each girl walked away with $25 for their piggy banks...no...I didnt put it in there...Thanks Aunt Fran
Zoie discovering the joy of eggs...she didnt know anything was in it, but it was fun to shake :)
Before the girls got to them...my favorite are the eggs shaped like carrots--does it count as eating my vegetables if I eat what's inside of those carrots?? Food for thought....moohaha.
Being that we now live in vegas Berns and I dont use the incredible skills we aquired while living in Colorado...the skill of driving in the snow. Well, some nice and lovely friends of ours invited us up to their cabin in Duck Creek for a 3 day get away (Its by Cedar City Utah--close to Brian Head). Berns and I took the offer graciously since it has been a LOOOOOOOONG time since Berns has taken an actual day off from work. SO we pack the Tahoe, the girls, a cooler of goodies, and snow clothes galore and headed up to the lovely snow capped mountains. We deffinetly didnt expect to get hit with a full blown BLIZZARD on our way up the mountain---but the nasty drive was definetly worth the fun mini trip. Thanks Dave and Kinnsi!
I'm a few weeks behind...its mostly due to the fact that my computer is SUPER slow these days and trying to upload pictures is ridiculous.
ANYWHO....Mr. Berns turned yet another year older (so did I about a week before him, but let's not dwell on that). The old man is now 27. We thought we were officially old when my lil sis Jess graduated from high school (mainly cause she was in 6th grade when we graduated). But now it hits us even more. The fact that Berns is no longer considered to be in his early or mid twenties made him frown. He is now classified as being in his LATE 20's.... 3 YEARS SHORT OF 30!!!! Since when did I marry such an old man? (again, we are ignoring the fact that I am getting older too.)
To try and hide the fact that Berns is so old we decided to have a party with some friends of ours and spend time eat waaaay too much junk and playing games. Good times were had by all--however next birthday I think we all might have to visit Berns in a nursing home.....moohaha. Love you babe.
Ping pong tourament---these men are such dorks when it comes to this game...
Zoie found great joy eating all the droppings from other people's plates....she's like a puppy :)
Who are these ladies?
This is Berns remembering how old he is...
The Nielson's--gotta love em
The attempt at a 3D soccer cake--it tasted good--but the frosting melted...as you can tell