Being that we now live in vegas Berns and I dont use the incredible skills we aquired while living in Colorado...the skill of driving in the snow. Well, some nice and lovely friends of ours invited us up to their cabin in Duck Creek for a 3 day get away (Its by Cedar City Utah--close to Brian Head). Berns and I took the offer graciously since it has been a LOOOOOOOONG time since Berns has taken an actual day off from work. SO we pack the Tahoe, the girls, a cooler of goodies, and snow clothes galore and headed up to the lovely snow capped mountains. We deffinetly didnt expect to get hit with a full blown BLIZZARD on our way up the mountain---but the nasty drive was definetly worth the fun mini trip. Thanks Dave and Kinnsi!
These look fun. Why didn't you post pics of the conference games. Just because you lost . . . Glad to see Berns sported the tuxedo coat.
Gotta love Riley's sultry eyes, even when goggle clad. What a lady!
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