Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Do.

Reason for going to Brasil? Berns' brother was getting married! (Finally Felipe, finally).
I've said it probably too many times before, but Brasilian weddings are uber fancy. This was nothing short of that. Very elegant and lovely. Riley and Zoie got to be flower girls and were adorned in super cute custom made dresses. I was draped with something that accentuated my baby belly a little too well. And my lovely husband decided to strut his stuff with long flowing locks (He hadn't gotten a haircut since was now April...come on now....) It's a good thing the bride was exceptionally ravishing.
We shall let the pictures speak for themselves: Enjoy...there's eleventy thousand of them.


Dana said...

Brasilian weddings CAN be uber fancy because the people are UBER beautiful! Oh, gorgeous. Please let me come next time.

SladeMomma said...

Gold shoes even - I'm impressed. So great that you could go and be a part of the celebration. I'm only a little jealous about the traveling part.