Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Hun, While you are at the store could you please pick me up a Justin?"

My ever so talented brother was down for Easter weekend and just sent me some picks he "snapped"...I love that he gets my girls in their truest beauty and personalities. I find no reason to pull out my camera when he is around. Everyone needs a Justin. I suggest you go find one.

(ps, click on the collage and it will make it bigger so you can see the pics up close)
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Dana said...

I want a Justin! Where do I get one? If Seattle is the only store, I'm up a creek...

Mom. Wife. Pet Tamer. Picture Taker. said...

Those are adorable! I can't believe how big Riley is getting. She's lost her baby face. Hope I can still recognize her next time I see her! (and she will still play with her little cousins even though they are still smelly little boys, right? haha)

SladeMomma said...

I don't want a Justin (although he is handsome, talented and very nice to have around). I want to BE one!

Justin is so good at the candids. All put together like that really captures their personality. Who did the collage? I need to know how to make one.