Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day!

So, Shea is always posting her updates on the family and she hardly mentions herself. Well, if you know her, you wouldn't be surprised to learn she's being selfless one more time... But you actually have to be involved with her on a daily basis to actually realize how much she actually does for this family. I don't know many people would put their education and personal desires on hold to be completely dedicated to their children. And that is exactly what Shea does. Every day. I was fortunate enough to see how amazing Shea was as a mother before we even got married, and there was no doubt in my mind that my children would indeed be better than me because of this woman. Honestly, if you only know Shea by these posts, you should make the trip to Vegas to meet this incredible human being!
Honey, thank you for the parent you are. Our kids love you for so many different reasons, but above all, they feel comfortable and safe when you are around because they feel and they know how much you love them! And what else can a father ask for? THANK YOU!!!
Happy Mother's Day!

Mae, e claro que eu deveria tambem aproveitar a oportunidade e dizer o quanto eu tambem te amo. Obrigado por sua dedicacao e atencao. Obrigado por tambem colocar de lado tantas coisas para que nos pudessemos ter tudo do bom e do melhor! Como e bom saber que voce me deu todas as chaves e ferramentas pra me tornar um boa pessoa. Mas tambem que bom e saber que voce me ensinou, sem saber, o tipo de pessoa com quem eu deveria casar. Hoje eu vejo a Shea e me sinto bem, sabendo que ela se dedica as nossa filhas como vc se dedica ao seus filhos! Obrigado por tudo e se puder, por fazer bata mais uma vez no Felipe porque ele merece apanhar!


Unknown said...

retardado...você nunca conseguiu escrever direito, mas dessa vez você se superou: "..Obrigado por tudo e se puder, por fazer bata mais..". Então, "por fazer", para de escrever me português porque você simplesmente não tem capacidade para tal...crugayrense songa monga!!!

Mariana Bicalho said...

Ai Bebezinho... que coisa mais linda!!!!

Dave and Natalie said...

You are absolutely right Berns. Shea is an amazing person and the sweetest there is!

Dave and Natalie said...

She is as sweet as they come! Thank you Shea for blessing my life.