Thursday, September 10, 2009

Riley Aspen Reedy--Our Little Beauty


Anonymous said...

Yea! Happy Birthday Riley. We at the Brown household all love you dearly and hope your day is great! We'd love to call you but we know you are in Brasil or on your way back from there.

SladeMomma said...

I loved it! How did you get her to look at the camera that many times?!!

Dana said...

So cute. Thanks for sharing. Avery watched it with me and I was trying to explain their relationship - first cousin once removed? She then asked if we could visit. I think you guys should come here!

Christi said...

Happy Birthday Riley! She is a cutie!

Niels and Susie Jensen said...

You really should go into photography. You are so talented with candid shots.

I love your girls, and love seeing these. Please make one every year.

Do I get one on my bday? =)