Saturday, August 14, 2010

And Now I Present to You.....

Lil Miss Bia Eliana
Born 08/13 at 13:08 (1:08pm). 7 lbs, 5 oz- 19 inches long. She is nothing short of wonderful.
I went into the hospital at around 10:00 with bad back aches, a few random contractions here and there (but nothing that I thought was labor inducing), and some "leaking" (sorry if that grosses you out). I had called the doctor's office before going in to see if any of those things should concern me since I was already dilated to a "4" the past 2.5 weeks. They told me to just go to the hospital and get checked.
Berns was singing and dancing the entire way to the hospital and I tried to keep him grounded telling him that most likely they would send us home.
Well, to my pleasant surprise, when they checked me around 10:30 I was dilated to a 5. They decided to keep me and get this baby out.
Everything else went so quick it's kinda a blur...a painful blur, but a blur.
Epidural man came, then they broke my water, then checked me again about 12:15 and I was at an 8. Checked me again about 5 minutes later and I was a 10. I had to push for about 40 minutes and she was out. Labor lasted about 3 hours! The only problem was my epidural didn't work on the right side of my body so I felt quite a bit more pain than I really cared to.
Little Bia entered our world sucking her hands and with a 1 dimpled smile. She already has us all wrapped around her little finger.
Zoie refuses to do anything except hold the baby, Riley oohs and aahhhs about how tiny everything on her is. Berns is twitterpaited and in 7th heaven with another little girl. I'm just in utter amazement because I'm so blessed. I look at my 3 girls and can't help but get teary eyed. This is what life is about and nothing else seems to matter.
Welcome home Bia--we love you


Dana said...

YEAH!!!!! Congrats on the baby you came when you didn't expect it! That is fantastic! Glad things went well. Now she and Lauren can be best friends, if you would just move a little north. Have fun with Gma!

Kara said...

Oh my gosh, those pictures of Zoe holding her are just priceless!! So happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet her in person!

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait to meet her and snuggle her myself.

Matt and Shannon said...

Congratulations!! She is so cute! I heard through the grapevine that your mom is in town - how fabulous!

Taisja & Brady Maxfield said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! We can't wait to meet her! Congratulations Costa Family! We love you guys!

Lani said...


Aren't short labors wonderful? Just be glad half of your epidural worked...I never lived someplace where I could have one!

Niels and Susie Jensen said...

I can't believe you aren't pregnant anymore. Who am I supposed to indulge with now? Good thing you're nursing and still need 1,000 extra calories a day.

You know I/we love your girls. We are so excited to watch B grow and to be BFFs with our little one. It will be really interesting to see the personality dynamic of Riley, Zo and this little one. So curious to see her demeanor.

Rebecca and Nick said...

Yay!!! Congratulations!! What a beautiful little bundle. You and your little family are just so cute. I am glad everything went quick and relatively easy for you! I hope you are feeling good also. Can't wait to meet the new little girl.

Lindsey said...

I can't believe that you had her already and it took me so long to find out. Well congrats and tell me if you need anything.

SladeMomma said...

That is the sweetest blog post. Your girls are so lucky to have such a mommy!