So, I'm taking a small break from posting about our trip to Brasil to tell you all how grateful I am for miracles...Story time...
Last night around...615ish we were going about our night as we normally do. Riley was in her room playing with dolls. I was in the living room with Zoie just playing and watching TV, and Berns was taking a shower. I cant remember what it was, but I had to run to tell Berns something. Our bedroom is about 10 feet from the living room, so I put Zoie down to play on her mat while I ran in there really quick. In the 5 seconds that I was in there all the sudden I heard her SCREAMING. It was the kind of scream that says "I'm hurt".
Needless to say I RAN out of the room only to see that she had somehow gotten across the living room and fell all the way down the stairs. This is a stair case of 14 stairs...with tile at the bottom. May not seem like much, but when you are only 15 pounds and 24 inches long, it is quite the drop.
I started to scream and ran downstairs to grab her. The second I picked her up her eyes got droopy and she tried to fall asleep. Being that I spent the last however many years of my life working in the medical field, I knew that this was NOT GOOD.
I yelled for Berns and Riley to get in the car and we were going to the hospital. Once we got there the staff was pretty urgent in getting her in. I felt awful. It was terrible to listen to her cry of pain. They also made her lie on the bed without being held until they knew if she had any injuries to her head or spine. She did not like this at all. I cried as I saw her there screaming attached to a heart monitor. It is the most awful experience. Berns gave her a quick blessing and him and Riley decided to say a prayer. Riley cried because she was so worried about her little sister.
They were quick and got her in for a CAT scan of her head and spine... Zoie screamed the entire time they tried to get the scan which made it a little difficult--but they were successful. After that they told me to lie on the bed with her to calm her down....minutes came and went and the doctor came in and told us the CAT scan was completley clear. Both Berns and I looked at each other in utter disbelief and smiled. All she had were a few red bruises.
They kept her another hour to monitor and sent us home just with the instructions to monitor. On the way home she tried to grab things, smile, and talk...our little Zoie was back to normal.
This morning when I woke up and looked at her, the bruises were COMPLETLY gone...there is absolutely no trace of any bruise, scratch, NOTHING on her. She is happy and cooing and playing like nothing happened.
My faith for things unseen has grown over night. I'm greatful for the power of prayer, the angels around us, a husband who holds the priesthood, and the man above that smiles down on the children.
Berns keeps telling me that someone picked Zoie up and just placed her at the bottom of the stairs because there is no way she could have made that fall without being atleast a little black and blue. What a little miracle....