Being that I am an INCREDIBLE mother (listen to the sarcasm in my voice) I didnt have swimming suits for my girls when I got to Brasil. To my defense, no one was selling them when I went on a shopping spree to find some. Both Riley and Zoie had outgrown theres. And since you cant possibly go to Brasil without swimsuits, Auntie Mariana picked some up for the girls....Brasilian style. I told Riley that she was only aloud to wear her itty bitty bikini in Brasil this one time.
Dispite my failed attempts at finding swimming suits for the girls, we enjoyed quite a few days soaking up the sun (when it wasnt raining) and enjoying the pool! There was even times when Riley decided the rain couldnt stop her and she would continue to paddle and dive.
I miss that baby's cheeks! She looks SO cute in that bikini!!! So CUTE!
Come on! Let´s face it the look A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E in those bikinis!!!
I absolutely LOVE Guarana! It is a favorite memory of Brazil and I was there when I was sweet sixteen.
no more new updates?????? =( give us some good stories!!
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