Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dont Wanna Wait...

So...ya...again...late with the posts, but hey--I'm just making it so the holiday season lasts longer. Nothing wrong with that!

The minute Thanksgiving leaves our house we get super excited about Christmas. I am a bit ridiculous when it comes to Christmas. I think I get this from my mother...thanks mom! I love Christmas!! Nonetheless, just because it's Christmas time, the Costa household still remains the same....goofy and odd. However, I think Christmas brings it out a little bit more. We all get overly giddey and full of excitement...must be something in the Egg Nog.Riley dressed and ready for the snowy winter wonderland that Vegas has proven to be.

Zoie eats the bows that are supposed to decorate the presents. They are overrated anyways.

Riley spent many days and hours cutting and folding to make millions of snowflakes...which she later hung on our tree....everywhere...

We at the Costa house decided to wrap up Zoie as a present. I would like to note that the box she is sitting in is a child's size 12 shoe box...she is a small peanut.

And then there is Berns who gets SOOOOOOOO excited about Christmas that he does things like this...Lets face it...there is no explanation for him.(If you are wondering, yes, his ties from his pants are tied to his ties from his hoodie...)


Anonymous said...

Totally love the duds Burns!

SladeMomma said...

Blow it up, frame it or use it for blackmail, i.e. when he's up for a job promotion. Gotta love Bernsie!