Wednesday, July 30, 2008


When we first brought Zoie home it took Riley a bit to warm up to her and get over the fact that she was no longer an only child. Now a days we find Riley taking every oppritunity to hold Zoie, smush her cheeks, cuddle her up, and sing her songs. She loves her baby sister and Zoie looooooves her. A smile forms on her face anytime Riley is around. We count our blessings everyday to have 2 wonderful, lovely, marvelous little girls.
(note: we had just gotten back from the water park and I was giving Zoie a bath, Riley decided to jump in on the fun...we dont actually make her bathe in a swimsuit!)

1 comment:

SladeMomma said...

I love all the pics in all the posts. Thanks for taking the time to share. Yes, Berns has beautiful girls, all 3 of 'em. Packing for where? Where were you off to?